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The Home of Mindful Aesthetics
The Home of Mindful Aesthetics
The Home of Mindful Aesthetics

The Home ofMindful Aesthetics

Ethical | Sustainable | Personal

Meet our Co-Founder
Meet our Co-Founder
Meet our Co-Founder
Who We Are

Meet our Co-Founder

With a rich background in psychology and healthcare, Ida brings a unique perspective to the beauty industry, championing an innovative and holistic approach to medical aesthetics. This perspective, supported by data-driven insights, is revolutionising the way beauty and wellbeing are perceived, making Ouronyx a Home of Mindful Aesthetics.

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The Concept

What is Mindful Aesthetics?

As we stand on the brink of a new era in beauty and wellness, it’s crucial to acknowledge the transformative journey we are embarking upon: a journey that challenges the very foundations of how we perceive, attain and sustain beauty. The pursuit of aesthetic enhancement is no longer just about the external; it’s deeply intertwined with our psychological wellbeing, our environmental consciousness, and our ethical values.

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Data-Driven Conversations
Data-Driven Conversations
Data-Driven Conversations
Our Values

Data-Driven Conversations

As pioneers in the realm of ethical, personalised and sustainable aesthetic care, Ouronyx is steering the industry towards a future where aesthetic practices are prioritising health over beauty and most importantly, they are prioritising safety over fast-changing beauty trends.

Meet Our Doctors
Our Treatments
Our Treatments
Our Treatments
Start your journey

Our Treatments

Ouronyx champions a beauty ethos that encourages authentic self-expression, free from the seductive but often harmful cycle of aesthetic addiction. We leverage data to understand how emotional states and personality types influence one's appearance while promoting preventative care treatments and self-optimisation techniques.

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20 St. James's Street London, SW1A 1ES



The Opus Tower - Unit C201, Al A'amal Street, Dubai
